Tuesday, June 2, 2015

BEA Discovery- A Cocoon on May 28th

The gaps and spaces in life all have meaning and every coincidence in life has a definition but should not be looked into a lot. I read a book yesterday specifying the distinction between job, career, and calling. Sometimes you get a job in order to work on things you love in life because you have to pay the bills. Then you have more bills to pay and you have to stay in that job even more until what you love to do and this "unwanted bill paying job" get to a break point.

Ultimately, the real mental awakening comes when red flags as to "What am I doing in this job?", "I have so much more potential!", "I am doing the work of 4 people!" or "This stuff is so, so, soo elementary for me!" or "My co-workers are so different than I and I feel useless" arise at work. Well, with loads of honesty ringing in I feel I've felt that I've had one or two of those phrases coming in and out at one time or the other. Well, the reality of the situation is simple. If you have a job you don't like try using your PM hours or weekends doing what you love until you can quit the job you don't like. Now, if the job you don't like eats up your time and doesn't allow you to do what you want to do then eventually you will forget about what you LOVE in life- your actually being- and go back doing what you "should" be doing and not what your being "must" be doing. Then you are simply not being you and are doing someone else's duties- the should. The should maybe something your parents drilled into your head or society has pressured you to become or do.

Sometimes that gap or that space of doing what you don't really want to do but are doing it to get closer to your shoulds clears and polishes the path to what your MUST is. It is a bridge, a polisher, a learning curve, but never compromise your Must for the Shoulds in life.

Must is like being in love. When you Know, you know. — Elle Luna

Check out the crossroads of Should & Must on Elle Luna's article that quickly went viral!


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