Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Heart-ing Iranian Food

They say food is gateway to someone's heart...well, primarily to male hearts but for me it's the gateway to my soul (a total separate argument from the eyes being the gateway to the soul!).

I'm all about good food and being a former pizza bagel type of gal in Brooklyn, once stepping in Iran I couldn't help but fall head over heals for the smorgasbord of food varieties there. The unique ingredients and herbs create a colorful flavor-sharing. The various spices and distinct methods of pairing and combination create fingerprints in every cuisine! From eating the brain and tongue of sheep to a delicious kebab dish your saliva will triple to the intoxicating aromas and different radical zings in every dish. From kebabs to stews, all dishes present more than one flavor served up on layers that keep taste buds guessing what it is and what's coming next.

To the power kebab and stew country I have incorporated my experience when I first was exposed to Iranian food on BookTrib.com.#redlipsintehran #foodislife #foodisart #buildon

Enjoy and make sure you had some food before you read the article!

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Rebellious Heart - Beautiful Burden: Iran U.S. Identity

Some nights are so unforgettable the world stops for a moment or two. Old and new friends alike gathered at my dear friend's home, Diana, while we chatted, exchanged ideas and read passages from "The Burden of My Red Lips in Tehran".
I'm unbelievably amazed by the power of our gathering, can't thank you enough and fulfilled to continue sharing the book's message. Also- We forgot to mention that proceeds (22%) from every book sale will be donated to building a school in Nepal this coming Dec. 2015! 

"In a society that profits from your self doubt, liking yourself is a rebellious act."

Please refer to my website for more information:


Monday, July 27, 2015

Dear ALL!

We are proud to announce our first partnership with buildOn, a movement that breaks the cycle of poverty, illiteracy and low expectations through service and education. Proceeds of every book sale will be donated to building a school in Nepal this coming December 2015!

Please help us reach our goal because WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE!


 (plz smile for the cam! :-D )

Monday, June 15, 2015

The work Era

I have sat on a subway and heard conversation from random strangers, walked on the streets of NYC at different times including during my morning and evening coffees, I've seen people walking their dogs and talk on their cell phones. The number one heated and controversial conversation I hear is regarding how they don't like their co-workers and on top of that hate their job, and the list basically goes on in these two areas. Well, at the crossroads of should and must (below blog) and all of the complaints I have reached one conclusion- complaints attracts complaints. For one thing you have to change your mindset then once you clear out that "kind-of" poison you need to choose a job that you love doing or the MUST.
I understand that you may not know the correct route or the right answer to this question, so it's best to leave it as is. Sometimes not knowing is better than knowing the answer and accepting that you are in a confusion mode. There is nothing wrong with confusion mode and for people who think there is something wrong, well the answer it simple. It's based on their insecurity. Insecurity hits many people and some people are hit with a storm to such an extent that judgement and increased fear conquers their soul. The good part is this has nothing to do with you. The simple awareness factor the secure holds against the insecure leads to integrity. A bit different in quality but both beautiful as one leads to another. That said, move forward, live life because you only really have one shot at it- Life is not a dressing room.
Don't allow petty things such as 'co-workers' , 'the ego', 'what they think and how they judge' affect your want, your character, your direction and most importantly your heart. Grab control of your thoughts before they influence your direction. Your thoughts create everything! The secret recipe of human programming.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

BEA Discovery- A Cocoon on May 28th

The gaps and spaces in life all have meaning and every coincidence in life has a definition but should not be looked into a lot. I read a book yesterday specifying the distinction between job, career, and calling. Sometimes you get a job in order to work on things you love in life because you have to pay the bills. Then you have more bills to pay and you have to stay in that job even more until what you love to do and this "unwanted bill paying job" get to a break point.

Ultimately, the real mental awakening comes when red flags as to "What am I doing in this job?", "I have so much more potential!", "I am doing the work of 4 people!" or "This stuff is so, so, soo elementary for me!" or "My co-workers are so different than I and I feel useless" arise at work. Well, with loads of honesty ringing in I feel I've felt that I've had one or two of those phrases coming in and out at one time or the other. Well, the reality of the situation is simple. If you have a job you don't like try using your PM hours or weekends doing what you love until you can quit the job you don't like. Now, if the job you don't like eats up your time and doesn't allow you to do what you want to do then eventually you will forget about what you LOVE in life- your actually being- and go back doing what you "should" be doing and not what your being "must" be doing. Then you are simply not being you and are doing someone else's duties- the should. The should maybe something your parents drilled into your head or society has pressured you to become or do.

Sometimes that gap or that space of doing what you don't really want to do but are doing it to get closer to your shoulds clears and polishes the path to what your MUST is. It is a bridge, a polisher, a learning curve, but never compromise your Must for the Shoulds in life.

Must is like being in love. When you Know, you know. — Elle Luna

Check out the crossroads of Should & Must on Elle Luna's article that quickly went viral!


Monday, May 18, 2015

Life is Gorgeous

A couple of nights ago I watched Life is Beautiful, the movie capturing the difficulties a Jewish father goes through while structuring the concentration camp as a fun and game-like place for his little boy. I can't imagine a harsher treatment and form of life than the ones existing in such camps and the intolerable cruelty and disrespect these individuals went through.
It was one father's kindness and view of the world that changed the life of his little boy and eventually his mother's.
I went to sleep that night thinking about THIS particular view of life and in the morning while coming to work I saw a bus pass by me with a big inspirational billboard reading: "Life is Beautiful".
Head's up...Sometimes the messages received can only be glued to your thoughts and emotions if you are aware how lucky you are and put on the see-thru all difficult illusions glasses. Everything is achieved with ease and simplicity- if not then it's not for you.

Gratitude is the easiest way to think of such simplicity. Right now, you have more than you need.

Guido: [pretending to translate] The game starts now. You have to score one thousand points. If you do that, you take home a tank with a big gun. Each day we will announce the scores from that loudspeaker. The one who has the fewest points will have to wear a sign that says "Jackass" on his back. There are three ways to lose points. One, turning into a big crybaby. Two, telling us you want to see your mommy. Three, saying you're hungry and want something to eat.

Guido: If you speak my name, I vanish. What am I? Silence.


Friday, May 15, 2015

Anthony de Mello quotes

“Perfect love casts out fear. Where there is love there are no demands, no expectations, no dependency. I do not demand that you make me happy; my happiness does not lie in you. If you were to leave me, I will not feel sorry for myself; I enjoy your company immensely, but I do not cling.”
Anthony de Mello, Awareness

"I have no fear of losing u, for you aren't an object of my property, or anyone else's. I love you as you are, without attachment, without fears, without conditions, without egoism, trying not to absorb you. I love you freely because I love your freedom, as well as mine.”
Anthony de Mello 

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

The Happening Impossible

It sometimes strikes me that many people are working for the purpose of survival and not really breaking free and moving forward with what they want to accomplish- their real potential. After watching the movie Limitless and Lucy last week I realized the human mind really uses 20% of their brain capacity while the remainder is unused. So this question comes to mind: Why are we not using the remainder 80%? or Why are we not being courageous enough to step out of the comfort of the 20%? Is it really that difficult? Are we cowards or is using the 80% not in our power?
If it is part of us so why not use it. This is similar to not going to the gym and cultivating our muscles.
Maybe this could be the answer to everything we perceive as problems simply by using the 80%.

First step (other than watching those two movies!) is to simply becoming aware. The brain is similar to a magnetic energy field and attracts to it whatever we desire. There may be a time lapse but that doesn't mean it is not attracting or in the process of attracting. An interesting thought came in my head, if energy is to be plugged into, then this magnetic brain field is also to be plugged into. How? By focusing, being, and disregarding fear! Let me ask you this. How do you know someone is looking at you on the bus? Not because you have a mole on your face or you are wearing their favorite color sweater (well, it maybe that but that doesn't usually last long) but because of the energy fields colliding. Energy attracts energy and their energy is trying to attract your energy. Simple as that. The only time you may not feel it and suddenly realize it when you look up is if you were focused on your book or in your own thoughts. Bingo. Vallah!
It's as simple as that. Be aware, use your brain cells....they are there for a reason! You have no limits nor boundaries.


Monday, April 20, 2015

Creating a Breakthrough Moment- Huffington Post Blog

At the risk of being vulnerable I have finally finished my semi-memoir and ready to share it with the world! Yes- every female teenager and her parents along with every human being that has or will be going through a similar experience. The first stop for my new book "The Burden of My Red Lips in Tehran" is with the Huff Post Blog! The first place to make it so (soo) public. Check out the link below and enjoy it to the max!


Thursday, April 16, 2015


Are you proud of who you are? Are you thinking about giving up? Do you think it has been easy?
Well for starters, IT IS easy and simple only you make it complex.

If you are "lots" awkward or "more than lots" awkward you should be very proud of your awkwardness, because it's who you are. Remember, there is no one else like you. You are that unique item in the department store with nothing else like you in storage or inventory or placing a back-up order. In other words who said there was anything wrong with being weird?! Do you want to live your life sucking up to what other people think living and being is or do you want to be your own creator? Choose the latter and enjoy every molecular moment of being, creating, and absorbing.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Letting Go is always closer to your dreams

Sometimes you feel that it’ll never come true, that your desires are distant objects you will never reach nor touch in this world. Now, when you don’t come close to having them and you desperately await their arrival it does feel as it you are floating around in time lacking something. That’s when it always hits me- that even without that I am complete and exactly on the right path with precisely the right people and everything I need in life. Yup- you guessed it- I am whole even without the desires that I wish to manifest. They will eventually come out when the time is exactly right and while you are just enjoying life.

If you focus you will see that it comes into your life so easily and freely without you digging and searching. If you do dig and put too much energy then you are definitely, 100% on the wrong path. That path, is the path of experience, where the training kicks in. Gym time!
Live everyday like it’s your last but take into perspective your limitations- and bend and play with it to your liking- while you are training on your path in life. This was the most important lesson I got from “The Burden of my Red Lips in Tehran”. Take the road less traveled- you will survive with ease.

Tender-lutely Gotham

A word that means so much but shocks me when some permit it to fall in between the gaps is: authenticity.

That said I don't know why many like to be viewed in a particular accepted way as opposed to solely being themselves. Some are even scared to confess such a horrific realization.

Mornings, once stepping on to the bus I see people getting on and hopping off slowly. Some are in their won world, some happy, some sad, and some don't care how they are perceived most likely because they don't know one another. So they don't have to put forth the effort and connect. The one flaw I have perceived is trying too hard to connect or some being fearful of connecting. However way classified, the formula is you being you without fear of judgement.

As I get off the bus in Manhattan's Chelsea District I feel and UN-feel this ingredient as pedestrians walk by gazing at one another trying to gain approval. At times, I can totally feel like one when I realize I too have lost awareness. Sadly, it maybe the city effect but interestingly many can and choose to be aware of the golden ingredient underneath. Many should throw away the carried mask for fear of being emotionally stabbed aka judged. Judgements cannot pin anyone down unless you allow yourself to stay down. Be the rock star that you are or stay awkward. Nothing wrong with being you even if it results in being alone.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

New York Flakes

Some days in New York City it is predicted to be snowy and some days sunny. This always has an 'effect' in the daily operations of one's day- of course speaking for myself.

You start your day out with meditation and yoga letting sentences like "Have gratitude," and "You never know what will happen the next moment so live everyday like it's your last," and "Let everything that happens go through you and solely be an observer," and "Everything that happens, happens for a reason, "Life is too short to think about issues that worry you," and the list goes on and on. Well, with all that said in my head, I still hit dead ends.

But then I think the most important and really only reason to keep on moving forward  is that "There IS a reason to all of this, a reason that I am far from understanding and comprehending but I should keep moving forward with the mystery engraved in my head knowing this whole life is a mystery". There you have it. The one and only reason to keep on having the best day of your life. To go a bit deeper into that sentence: the black and white gives us character but the only catch is to realize they are solely illusions and what remains are our feelings- the invisible connection. The ONLY connection that makes the world go round.

Every little thought and situation happens for a reason. A reason that you may not know  the reason to but that’s the beauty of it! Put energy into it and smile. Today, maybe your last day so do what it is you want to do and don’t fall short. Turn your annoying mental thoughts off, focus the outcome with your heart, and whatever you desire will come into reality when you LET GO.